Mariya Ali

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Month: November 2015

Stroking Cats Reduces Blood Pressure

My grandmother was always a cat lover, so growing up we were always surrounded by cats. Since then, I’ve always had an affinity for them and always knew how to handle them.  I knew the spots they like rubbed, how to rub them and how to befriend them. Both of our neighbours have cats and I would always pet them when I saw them outside. One of the cats, Alfie, was always much friendlier than the other (whose name I don’t know).

After Nanny passed away, every time I saw a cat it took on another meaning. It was a reminder of one of the things that Nanny loved and brought back memories of Tommy sitting on my lap and nanny showing me how to stroke him.

I began to see Alfie more often. He allowed me to pet him more often and became attached to me. One day, he cautiously entered our house. Sniffing around, he quickly realised that this was foreign territory and ran out. The next time he came in, he ventured halfway up the stairs before making a swift exit. After a few trips, he became comfortable at home.

During his now-frequent-visits, my family got to know him. He became attached to them and allowed them to pet him. He meows outside the door at 5Am, aware that my dad comes downstairs at that time. Someone’s available to open the door for him so that he can run in and have his breakfast.  I use the word “breakfast” very loosely, as it implies that Alfie only has 3 meals a day. This fat feline has multiple meals a day. He’s back outside our house at 9Am, for breakfast round 2, a stroking session from either Bhai or myself, some water (from only one tap, as he’s a rather fussy cat), some grooming time and then a nice long nap on my bed, with a soft, luxurious duck feather duvet to sleep on. He’s certainly high maintenance.  He goes out for some fresh air and then waits outside at 5PM, when my parents return, to open the door for him.

He’s become part of our family, to the point that it feels weird when I see him next door with his real owners. He started coming into our house at the same time that Nanny passed away, which may just be coincidental, but as Krista once said, we’re all meaning-making machines, so we might as well make up meaning that serves us.  Perhaps it is a coincidence, or perhaps he’s a reminder that Nanny is always around. But mainly, he’s a soft bundle of memories of my beloved grandmother. And he has a bit of a soft spot for me, just like she did.


The Art of (Not) Letting Go

It’s hard to let go

When you are consumed with wanting to stay connected

Yearning to watch the inevitable downfall

Unless, of course, there isn’t one

Which is a bitter thought to swallow

In fact, it’s a thought that gets stuck in your throat

A thought that you choke on.

The anger is all consuming

Waking up in the morning with hands that ache

Clenched fists throughout the night drains my blood

Like how he drained my heart of love

The ability to love, the belief in love, the hope of love

I am left an unbelieving hopeless romantic

No longer dreaming of dancing in the rain

Just resigned to an acceptance of another.

And so when I see that this dream of mine

The dream that was used to torment and torture me

Is now the reality of another

I feel my jaws and hands tighten

I feel the anger simmer deep in my belly

A feeling that was once so foreign, yet now so familiar.

How quickly I was forgotten,

How swiftly I was replaced

But then I remember

Life is a cycle

Karma is real

The inevitable will happen.

And then I fall asleep.


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