Mariya Ali

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Month: November 2016

My Dementors

Relationships have become hard for me. As I explore the different dimensions of being in a relationship, I realise how much the skeletons in my closet have affected me in this context. After all of the work that I have done over the past few years, this uncertainty seems to have taken me back to a point that I thought I had left in the dust.

I mustn’t live in the past. Although I intellectually know this, my instincts tell me to flight, rather than fight. Because fighting is exhausting. But I stay, because he whom I stay for is worth it. Yet with each “incident”, I feel myself slipping further and further away from getting what my heart desires. It’s a subconscious push, a shield that I have created, to prevent me from pain.

Once bitten, twice shy. Thrice just to rub salt in the wounds.

I only hope that I can overcome my dementors before the hourglass is empty.


Loving Life

I’m loving university life. The friends, intellectual stimulation, routine, reason to get up in the morning…

Actually, I’m just loving life.

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