Relationships have become hard for me. As I explore the different dimensions of being in a relationship, I realise how much the skeletons in my closet have affected me in this context. After all of the work that I have done over the past few years, this uncertainty seems to have taken me back to a point that I thought I had left in the dust.

I mustn’t live in the past. Although I intellectually know this, my instincts tell me to flight, rather than fight. Because fighting is exhausting. But I stay, because he whom I stay for is worth it. Yet with each “incident”, I feel myself slipping further and further away from getting what my heart desires. It’s a subconscious push, a shield that I have created, to prevent me from pain.

Once bitten, twice shy. Thrice just to rub salt in the wounds.

I only hope that I can overcome my dementors before the hourglass is empty.