Do you ever find a song that just clicks?

“I can’t sleep and I feel down, cheer me up?” Said my e-mail to my #friend. I quickly received an email back with a list of things that I could do to “cheer oneself up”. Mr. Methodological would, of course, send me a list *internal chuckle*.

I glance through it, a book recommendation, things to think about, the usual… Then there’s a YouTube video.  I open the link, fully expecting some sort of meditation to start playing.

You come and pick me up, no headlights
A long drive…

You’ve GOT to be kidding me. This guy is the biggest nerd (in a nice way) I have ever come across. I did NOT expect TAYLOR SWIFT! (He had described it as “Crack for the ears” and “didn’t care what people thought”.

I called him the next day to tell him how unexpected and hilarious I found this. Of course, he went on to analyse why he loved the song so much. “Sometimes you just like the beat and the chords that are used. I was listening to it all day at work”. Interesting kid, that one.

I would have shrugged it off, but all day I have had a craving like a pregnant woman to listen to Ed Sheeran’s “One”. Literally, a pregnant woman; a crazed hormonal woman that went around on a frantic rampage at markaz searching for any type of headset so that I could listen to this song on repeat the moment I sat in the car. Why do I like this song so much? Perhaps it’s because I like the beat and the chords, or perhaps it just makes me feel good. That’s a strange concept isn’t it – liking something for no other reason than it just makes you feel good, just because it gets the endorphins pumping. Maybe there’s a reason why it makes me feel good – but I’m not bothered enough to figure out what it is; maybe it’s the catchy beat, the meaningful lyrics, the perfect strum of the guitar or the sublime voice. I just trust my emotions, knowing that there’s a reason that I feel this way, somewhere hidden inside.