Mariya Ali

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Category: Relationships/Love (Page 2 of 5)

Barriers within myself

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. 

Beautiful words, and an apt description of the work that I’m currently doing. Ironically, I was discussing this with my doctor yesterday. I approached the subject of my very unhealthy deifying of a man, who inevitably doesn’t live up to my unrealistic expectations and eventually ends in heartbreak (for me). Add to that it’s a major trigger, and all in all it’s just not a very good idea.

How does one go about finding all the barriers within oneself? My approach is to reflect on past behaviour and pay attention to current behaviour – in time, patterns will emerge and they’re a great indication of what’s going on inside my mind – and heart. So far it’s been working and I’m making ample progress.

As for “your task is not to seek for love”, it’s a lot easier to say than do. When you’ve been sociologically programmed to think that the ultimate goal in life is to find a “suitable life partner”, it’s very hard to change your entire dogma. I’m a firm believer that when you stop seeking love, it will find you. The expectation and hope of the relationship working out is ultimately what causes it to fail.

So, my friends, I vow that from now on, there will be no more anticipation for Prince Charming to come along and reunite me with my other shoe. Should I lose a glass slipper, I’ll go out and buy another pair.

Preferably Louboutin. 

Oh Rey

“Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering. Nothing. Not a career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we’re going to survive with dignity.”

Audrey Hepburn 

Empathy, in healthy amounts, is a person’s greatest asset.  To be able to connect with a person on such a deep level is a skill that can profoundly improve human relationships, in my opinion.

My relationship with my  best friend, Rehana, has always been close. But when life threw me a curveball (that hit me square in the face), Rehana was able to empathise. Our friendship grew very close and strong through this experience. She was able to get it, really get it. It wasn’t just a token “I know, I understand”, it was an “I feel your pain”. That distinction was the catalyst that took us to the next level, where she moved from “hey Rey, this is what happened today”, “I tried this new lipstick shade”, “this guy is cute” to “this is who you are”, “you can work on this”, “I’m always here for you” and “I completely understand”. From a (relatively) superficial (yet extremely close) friendship, she became an integral part of me – a best friend, sister and soulmate. I mean that in a very raw and honest way, and not just token words that I’m throwing around.

That’s the power of empathy.

Much To My Dismay…



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The Monster Inside Of My Head

It’s depressing to speak to another woman who has been burnt as much as I have. Perhaps, upon reflection, she was treated worse. It’s sad to acknowledge the world that we live in is full of good people who suffer. We discussed the repercussions of our experiences and, although I try to think of the positives – the growth, understanding and wisdom that I have gained – I can never lose sight of the pain that I have endured. I wonder, was it worth it? No, it wasn’t. I was happily stumbling through life none the wiser of such vile villainy. And I was doing quite alright.

I wish this could be a blog post full of positivity, but once again, I find myself angry. Lately I have been realising the amount of psychological damage that I have and the repercussions of said damage.

This is genuinely how I feel:

As much as I intellectually know that I have a lot to offer, my brain wiring has been messed with so much that my automatic response to anything is I’m not good enough. I remember the monster’s words in my head – “you’re destroyed. You are going to impose yourself on someone, that’s your agenda.” As much as I know that everything he said was a bunch of crap, these words haunt and taunt me. I hate that he made me feel so broken that I truly believed – and sometimes still do – that I am that worthless. I list all of my assets, accomplishments and strengths and remind myself of just how much I have to offer – but deep down, I’m still not entirely reprogrammed. And I wish that I could say that it’s something that I’m working on – but in all honesty, I don’t know how to work on it. I don’t know how to silence that monster’s voice in my head. Perhaps I do approach others with a blank slate, but my own slate isn’t blank – it’s full of scribblings of all of the things Voldemort said and did to me. I wish I knew how to completely wipe it clean, but psychological abuse is not something to take lightly.

I’ve come to expect abandonment, in fact, I await it, and in the meantime, push away incredible people who should be approached with a blank slate – whether that’s their slate or mine. And then, I realise what I have just unwittingly done and suffer some more. Because now I believe in my unworthiness even more fervently.

Perhaps, some day, this vicious cycle will end.

Love Me Back To Life

23Once upon a time, I dreamt of happy endings. I’ve learnt though, over the years, that life isn’t particularly fair and happiness isn’t handed on a platter and there’s no such thing as fairy god mothers. But somewhere, deep down, I still believe that dreams do come true. Then my fragile heart, weak from rebuilding itself after being shattered so many times, tugs at it’s strings and quietly murmurs, “please, don’t let me break again. I don’t have the strength to rebuild myself one more time”. So maybe that tiny part of me that still has faith in happily-ever-after needs to be extinguished.

Because I don’t believe in being loved back to life anymore.

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