Mariya Ali

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Category: Self-Reflection (Page 1 of 7)

Thought Vomit

Ugh. I’m sorry, I’m just going to thought vomit. Because I have feeling sickness.

I’m so tired of figuring out more and more ways in which I am just completely, utterly and entirely f*cked up. I mean, I have so many emotional issues that I don’t even know what’s “normal” about me. I keep thinking that the right circumstances will fix things, but they won’t. The harsh reality is that I just need to suck it up and sort it out, all by my lonesome. Then the victim mentality that I am oh-so-familiar-with kicks in – why me? Why can’t things just fall into place?

But the reality is, they are. Well, mostly. But that elusive Mr Right, well, he remains nowhere to be seen. And in concentrating exclusively on this fact, I continue to feel like a failure. Even though I have a thousand good qualities and great things happening in my life, I feel broken, incomplete and worthless because I “can’t find a guy”. Years of family and cultural pressure have conditioned me to feel this way. Now, it’s up to me, and me alone, to recalibrate.

Jeez, where do I start?

2017: Work In

2016 was such a great year for me. It was the year that set me up, now I’m in a position with a multitude of possibilities, a stark contrast to the lost-ness that I felt this time last year.

So what are my goals this year? Well, this year is the year of me. I’ll work in (and work out – but hey, isn’t that my *short-lived* intention every year?) The past couple of months have highlighted where I am and where I need to work – and oh boy, do I need to do some work. *Deep breath* wish me luck 🙂

And for any of you readers out there, a happy new year. I wish you love, happiness and above all, a sprinkle of magic.

Boys Aren’t Buoys

Someone I know (very well) struggles with anxiety. Except it’s not general – it’s exacerbated by relationships – of the romantic kind. It reminds me of me – a very long time ago. Or maybe not so long ago – maybe even now. Sometimes, I think I know myself, but life’s tests make me take a different path than the one I thought I would take.

I must remember,


A boy is not my buoy.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.


Oh Apathy…

This morning I woke up and thought “eh, I don’t care about Voldy”. (I know that I said that I won’t post about Voldy anymore, but I promise this is a good post).

I have Avada Kedavra’d his backside.

I’m leaving Karma to do it’s thing. Or not. I just don’t care.

Rolling with the Punches

“Some days are better, some days are worse. Look for the blessing instead of the curse. Be positive, stay strong, and get enough rest. You can’t do it all, but you can do your best.”

Author Unknown

Today I spent a lot of time reflecting – I’m not exactly sure why – upon things that have transpired in my life and the changes within me that have manifested because of them. I think of all of the positive changes in my attitude – mainly that I now no longer live in the ‘victim’ paradigm. It feels liberating and the above quote is an apt description of where I am in life – in a place of acceptance and versatility, able to glide through volatility. I can finally say that I roll with the punches – my brother (whose name is Mohammed Ali) would be proud.

And darn it – it feels pretty good


The less you respond to negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes.

Author Unknown

One of my favourite quotes is:

The ultimate source of comfort & peace is within ourselves

Dalai Lama

Being able to ignore negativity used to be hard – at least for me. (I was able to ignore positivity with finesse!) Perhaps it was due to my (constant) struggle with low self-esteem, or maybe it’s a universal problem that afflicts everyone. One thing is for sure – it wreaked havoc in my life. Being an empath and therefore ultra sensitive, my mood and emotions used to hinge precariously on other people’s opinions. Add to that being part of a small community, full of ridicule and with a penchant for gossiping, and you have a readymade environment for a self-esteem-perfect-storm.

I’ve started to drown out these comments – or rather minimise contact with those who have historically consistently made them. I find that as time passes, I care less and less about the opinions of others – perhaps that’s a reflection of becoming more mature or having a drastic increase in self-esteem (hopefully it’s a mixture of the two).

Has this given me an internal sense of peace? Absolutely. I feel emancipated from the judgement of other people. It’s almost necessary, after the constant bombardment of comments to remind me of my single status (really people, it’s not a big deal; I’m perfectly happy).  I don’t feel a sting (for the most part) when I hear a (well intentioned) comment about how I have not settled down yet. Lately, it has given me the courage to campaign against FGM openly, using my real name. For many years, I used a pseudonym due to an intense fear of the repercussions for openly expressing my views. After a lot of work, I’ve developed a much healthier level of self-esteem that has given me an internal peace and comfort with myself.

After all of these years, I am free from the shackles of judgement, and brave enough to tackle my (happily-single-and-ready-to-mingle) life.

Barriers within myself

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. 

Beautiful words, and an apt description of the work that I’m currently doing. Ironically, I was discussing this with my doctor yesterday. I approached the subject of my very unhealthy deifying of a man, who inevitably doesn’t live up to my unrealistic expectations and eventually ends in heartbreak (for me). Add to that it’s a major trigger, and all in all it’s just not a very good idea.

How does one go about finding all the barriers within oneself? My approach is to reflect on past behaviour and pay attention to current behaviour – in time, patterns will emerge and they’re a great indication of what’s going on inside my mind – and heart. So far it’s been working and I’m making ample progress.

As for “your task is not to seek for love”, it’s a lot easier to say than do. When you’ve been sociologically programmed to think that the ultimate goal in life is to find a “suitable life partner”, it’s very hard to change your entire dogma. I’m a firm believer that when you stop seeking love, it will find you. The expectation and hope of the relationship working out is ultimately what causes it to fail.

So, my friends, I vow that from now on, there will be no more anticipation for Prince Charming to come along and reunite me with my other shoe. Should I lose a glass slipper, I’ll go out and buy another pair.

Preferably Louboutin. 

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