Today, I will search for my own truth, and I will allow others to do the same. I will place value on my vision and the vision of others. We are each on the journey, making our own discoveries – the ones that are right for us today.

The Language of Letting Go

Every day, I learn something new about myself – I suppose this is a continuation of my self-discovery, or perhaps my life has now shifted so that self discovery is just a part of my MO.

What am I learning? I’m learning that I have a lot to learn. I didn’t realise how complex and intricate I actually am. I honestly thought I was a simple being – after all, the simple things in life make me happy. I’m not.

I remember how Voldemort used to harp on about “life is about taking something complex and making it simple”. At the time, I agreed, because if you say something with enough conviction, it’s actually believable. Now that I reflect upon it, I disagree. Life is complex, but there’s so much beauty in complexity.