Help me pay attention to my behaviors during the process of initiating relationships. Help me take responsibility for myself and learn what I need to learn. I will trust that the people I want and need will come into my life. I understand that if a relationship is not good for me, I have the right and ability to refuse to enter into it – even though the other person thinks it may be  good for him or her. I will be open to the lessons  I need to learn about me in relationships, so I am prepared for the best possible relationships with people.

The Language of Letting Go

I find it very hard to leave a relationship, or even a potential relationship. Which is ironic really, because then I feel rejected when it doesn’t work out – even though I actually didn’t really want it to in the first place. Maybe I value the person when they’re not available or maybe it’s an underlying self-esteem issue, and I discount people who are interested in me from the get-go.

So what behaviors do I have that contribute to this? Is it a manifestation of a lack of self esteem? That seems the likely culprit at the moment. Or maybe it’s a fear that the right people won’t come into my life. Or a combination of the both.

Then I think back and realise that every once in awhile, I will stop, my jaw will drop and I will say “wow”. Law of averages/attraction means that at some point that will be reciprocated, right?