Thoughtfulness is something that is taken for granted.  It is only after you cross paths with a selfish, conceited, self centered person that you truly appreciate this quality.  The type of person that I *almost* married. (Once again, thank you God for saving me).

I oftentimes wondered why I went through what I did.  I don’t deliberately harm others and I can’t recall a time in my (current) life when I have done anything that would warrant going through such a horrible ordeal.

But there’s always a silver lining to every cloud.  Be it a light, fluffy cumulus cloud; the giant bubbles of cotton that every 5 year old draws, or especially if that cloud is an ominous, thunderous nimbostratus that completely conceals the sun and deprives the day (or figuratively speaking, life) of light.  My relationshit with the ex was one hell of the latter.

And so what is the silver lining to this god forsaken cloud?  Well, there are many. Yesterday, however, one in particular really stood out.

Thoughtfulness: Given to or chosen or made with heedful anticipation of the needs and wants of others

It is refreshing for a friend to take into account where my train would be arriving to ensure that he is there to greet me when I reached my destination.

It is touching when my interests and hobbies are taken into account when plans are being made.

It is heart warming when a stranger shares a tissue with me to stifle my sniffles.

Truly appreciating and feeling gratitude whenever kindness is shown towards me is such an amazing feeling.   Good people mean so much to me and I value them in a way that cannot be described in words.

That, my friends, is part of the glistening, pure sterling silver lining of my nimbostratus cloud.