Mariya Ali

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Perspective: The Glass Is Twice As Big As It Needs To Be




Am I a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kinda person?  I definitely try to be in the former category, but in all honesty, sometimes I like to sit and wallow in self pity.  Sometimes, I like to moan.  Sometimes, I just like a break from the world being a perfect place, because it really isn’t.  Yes, there is a lot of good in the world, but bad things do happen to good people and good things also happen to bad people.  It sucks and it’s okay to be annoyed about it.

Life has taught me that there is justice and karma for everything. What goes around comes around, but when the bigger picture isn’t visible, I really think it’s okay to have a day when you just think “man, this sucks”.  It’s okay to acknowledge it’s not fair and sucks without being admonished for not being happy every second of the day.  It’s okay to feel bad emotions, process them and then shift gears to being positive.  From my experience, if I keep trying to be positive about something that I really should be hurt by, eventually it all just catches up with me and I’m engulfed in an avalanche of self pity, victimisation, self blame and a feeling of helplessness.

Sometimes I just like to have an international life-really-sucks day in Mariyaverse, where I curl up with a duvet, watch Bridge Jones and spend some quality time with my two favourite men: Ben and Jerry.  Which I think is perfectly acceptable, but I guess it depends on how you look at it. 


It’s A Wonderful Mixed-up World: My Reflections As A Mixed-Marriage Child


Men, At Least You Can Pee While Standing Up


  1. S

    Me thinks that you mean that you try to be the former – not latter. Technically, the glass is always full full – of like air. I so very much agree with the bit about processing emotions and I love the concept of Mariyaverse. What’s it like, btw? My land has a lot of trees, and peanut butter oreos. I had an entire tub of Häagen-Dazs for my dinner today – sugar rush is making me type random things.

  2. Correct – the former, thanks for spotting that 🙂 Has since been corrected.
    Mariyaverse is an interesting place to be, sometimes it’s a field of beautiful, thorn-less, aromatic roses, with all kinds of beautiful birds singing and flying freely. The most exquisite butterflies float around and land gently on your hand and allow you to stroke them. Sometimes, it’s a dark, barren, parched-earth desert, where you’re surrounded by a fence made of thick barb wire that seems to be closing in on you, except it’s not really, but the mental anguish of the perceived imminent enclosure of pain is excruciating. And sometimes, it’s just kinda like Earth really. x

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